All seating is on an unreserved basis and must be booked and paid for in advance.
Your booking will be deemed as confirmed once payment has been received and a confirmation email sent.
Tickets can be printed at home and brought to St. Nicholas Abbey Heritage Railway (SNAHR) or a digital version of the ticket confirmation presented to be scanned at SNAHR. SNAHR reserves the right to request to inspect tickets at any stage of the journey.
Tickets can only be used once and are strictly non transferable.
If a combined ticket is purchased for both St Nicholas Abbey and the St Nicholas Abbey Heritage Railway the ticket is only valid for one day and both attractions must be visited on the same day.
Every effort will be made to ensure the steam locomotive is in use but we are not to be held liable for changes to or the availability of the rolling stock.
The company shall have no liability for information provided by agents and third parties claiming to act on its behalf unless such information has been confirmed in writing by the company.
The SNAHR shall incur no liability for delays, curtailment, alterations, mishaps or other events that may arise on the day of operation as a result of circumstances outside the SNAHR's control. In the event of curtailment of the rail operation, the Company will take every reasonable step to return customers to their joining stations, possibly using alternative means of transport.
If the excursion is cancelled by SNAHR, a full refund will be made, but no other liability shall be incurred.
Tickets are issued subject to the conditions herein and your application for tickets constitutes acceptance of these.
Any issues arising during the excursion should be raised straight away with your carriage steward.
Passengers must not lean out of carriage windows whilst the train is moving.
We are unable to facilitate the carriage of animals except assistance dogs.
We are fully accessible for wheelchair users.
Any Persons who the company has reasonable grounds to suspect are intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will not be boarded or will be asked to the leave the train.
SNAHR has a Zero Tolerance policy towards any members of the public who displays offensive, abusive and threating behaviour towards a member of staff or fellow passenger. Any individual behaving in such a manner will not be boarded or will be asked to leave at the next station stop.
Tickets remain the property of SNAHR and may not be resold of offered for resale by anyone at a premium or otherwise. Resale is grounds for cancelation without refund or notice.
Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
Children under 12 may not travel unaccompanied.
Lost property will be held at the stationmasters office.
Strict no smoking policy at the train station and on the train.
Tickets that are booked and paid for cannot be cancelled, altered or refunded except in the case of force majeure due to circumstances (i.e. extreme weather) beyond the control of SNAHR.
The tour is a Victorian era coal and wood fired steam locomotive experience and there may be some soot and sparks emitted during the journey - any damage to clothing is limited to replacement cost to value of ticket and care should be taken to sit in the rear carriages if clothing is a concern.