Advance ticket booking is reccommended but not mandatory.
Advance ticket booking is not currently required to visit.
We’re open seven days a week.
(We are closed on Saturdays from April to November).
Our admission and tour prices are as follows:
Tour 1 - The Train Journey
US$70.00 Adult Admission • US$24.00 Child Admission
Tour 2 - The Train Journey + Great House & Distillery Tour
US$90.00 Adult Admission • US$30.00 Child Admission
Tour 3 - Train to Cherry Tree Hill
US$35.00 Adult Admission • US$12.00 Child Admission
Tour 4 - Train to Cherry Tree Hill + Great House & Distillery Tour
US$62.00 Adult Admission • US$18.00 Child Admission
Tour 5 - Great House & Distillery Tour
US$35.00 Adult Admission • US$12.00 Child Admission
Departure Daily: 10:00, 11:30, 14:00, 14:45*
Open Daily 09:00-16:30hrs (Gate Closes at 17:00hrs)
*Please note that the 14:45 Departure applies to Tours 1 & 2 only and excludes Cherry Tree Hill and Vendors market.
There is a reduced Admission fee for this departure – US$50 Adult Admission for Tour 1 & US$75 Adult Admission for Tour 2.
*Please arrive 20 minutes before departure times. Schedule subject to change if afternoons are busy.
Bookings are highly reccomended but not required and 'walk-ins' are welcome. Admission is from the Train Station Main Gate. Early arrival ensures a seat on the train. With admission, a wristband and token ticket will be issued to each person. The wrist band gives you access to your chosen Tour. The token ticket will be collected at the railway station before boarding of the train. Food and drinks will be available from the Terrace Café. All frequent visitor passes are cancelled